Prompt Engineering

Fully exploit AI potential through targeted prompt engineering.

Prompt Enineering

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering involves the design of prompts that aim to generate specific responses or behaviors from a generative AI model.
It involves refining the inputs to elicit specific responses, taking into account the specifics of the training data and the architecture of the model.

This practice requires a balance between precision and creativity, where well-designed prompts can evoke deep, coherent and entertaining content from the AI model.

The principle of “garbage in, garbage out” is particularly applicable here: a poorly posed question leads to a less useful answer.
A prompt engineer ensures that clear and precise instructions are sent to the AI.
The complexity and length of the prompt varies depending on the use case.

Prompt Engineering

Relevance of prompt engineering for SMEs

Prompt engineering is particularly valuable for SMEs as it enables them to use AI in a targeted manner without investing in expensive development.
Precisely formulated prompts can greatly optimize the performance of AI systems.

Below are three key points that underline the relevance of prompt engineering for SMEs:

No Code

No Code

No coding is necessary, so even people without a technical background can make changes to the AI system.

Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

By adapting prompts, changes to AI systems can be made easily, quickly and cost-effectively.



The best LLM is useless if the prompt is poorly formulated. For optimum output, the prompt must be precise.

Maximizing the benefits of AI with prompt engineering

The practice of prompt engineering is critical to improving the user experience and efficiency of AI systems.
Evoya AI helps you get more accurate and relevant answers from AI models through carefully crafted prompts.

This not only helps to scale process automation, but also promotes more valuable interactions between users (both customers and employees) and AI systems by making them more intuitive and satisfying.

Step 1

Understanding business objectives and prompt design

The first step involves a thorough analysis of your business goals and communication needs.
Our team works closely with you to understand the specific challenges your business faces in the context of AI.

Based on this information, we design strategically thought-out prompts that form the basis for useful AI interactions.
These prompts are designed to get accurate and relevant responses from your AI system to best support your business needs.

Step 2

Development and testing of prompts

In the second step, we further develop the prompts designed in the first step and start testing them.
Through iterative testing in real scenarios, we ensure that the prompts are not only well formulated in theory, but also reliably deliver the desired results in practice.

This phase includes adjusting the prompts to maximize their efficiency and accuracy, as well as adapting them to any special features of your AI application.

Step 3

Implementation and optimization

Once the prompts have been developed and tested, we support you in implementing them into your existing AI system.
We work hand in hand with your team to ensure a smooth integration.

Implementation is followed by the continuous optimization phase, where we monitor the performance of the prompts and make adjustments where necessary.
The aim is to continuously improve the interaction between your AI system and end users, thus extracting the maximum value from your prompt engineering service.

Optimize performance

Optimize the performance of your AI systems now with the support of Evoya AI

take off

Further services

Wir bieten spannende Workshops zum Thema KI an. Unser Ziel ist es, Teilnehmende zu befähigen, Technologien der KI (z.B. ChatGPT) aktiv und effektiv in ihrer Arbeit einzusetzen.
Vom persönlichen Erstgespräch über die Ermittlung der Anwendungs-Möglichkeiten, die Machbarkeits-Analyse bis hin zum Product Design und der Entwicklung.
Nutzen Sie fortschrittliche KI-Technologien sicher On-Premise: Maximale Kontrolle und Datensicherheit direkt in Ihrem Unternehmen.
Optimieren Sie Ihr Sprachmodell (LLM) für spezifische Anforderungen und maximieren Sie so die Effizienz und Genauigkeit Ihrer KI.