Evoya platform

Clever sales on autopilot

Answer up to 70% of sales conversations via e-mail fully automatically, place offers skillfully, sell more and never respond to customer inquiries too late again.

Advantages for your company

More sales with our advanced AI sales solution

Sell more

Sell more

Clever and targeted selling with the help of generative AI.

Relieve sales teams

Relieve sales teams

Always active and without missing a sales opportunity.

Shorten sales cycles

Shorten sales cycles

Faster from cold leads to contract conclusion.

Automatic lead management

The categorization function makes it possible to automatically classify incoming emails from interested parties who respond to marketing campaigns into previously defined categories such as “not interested”, “interested” and “maybe later”.

Depending on the category, emails can be marked or forwarded in a targeted manner.
The quick recognition of hot leads is particularly advantageous, allowing the responsible salesperson to be notified immediately.


Intelligent response strategies

Our software creates responses to incoming emails according to specifications and saves them as drafts or sends them directly.
It can be instructed to process either the entire mailbox or only certain subfolders.
This is particularly useful as it allows you to give specific instructions on how to deal with emails in specific folders (= categories).

For example, it can send an offer directly to those interested in a marketing campaign or thank non-interested parties despite their lack of interest and make them a clever, unobtrusive offer if they change their mind.

Use cases

Discover use cases

Bis zu 70% der E-Mail-Verkaufskonversationen automatisiert beantworten, Angebote effektiv platzieren, den Verkauf steigern und stets zeitnah auf Kundenanfragen reagieren.
Bis zu 80% der Kundenanfragen automatisch beantworten, 24/7-Support bieten, Wartezeiten senken und die Zufriedenheit von Kunden und Mitarbeitenden erhöhen.

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